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Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (LVRI, CAAS), founded in 1957, is one of the most outstanding institutes focused on preventive veterinary medicine in China. The major subject of the institute is about the epizootic diseases of grazing animals, and it has enjoyed a high prestige in China. The main mission of the institute is to study infectious and parasitic diseases of veterinary importance, to carry out the foundamental and applied research programs on pathogen characterization, diagnosis, immunity, more+
Director Zheng Haixue Leads a Delegation ...Nov ,06,2024
The International Training Workshop on Ma...Dec ,05,2018
Prof. Dariusz Bednarek and Dr. Katarzyna ...Nov ,30,2018
Pof. Yongsheng Liu and other three staff ...Nov ,20,2018
Education & TrainingNov ,16,2017