During June 3rd to 08th, 2019,at the invitation of Dr. Krzysztof Niemczuk, general director of National Veterinary Research Institute(NVRI or PIWeT-PIB in Polish),Pulawy,Poland, Prof. Zhang Jie, Prof. Liu Yongsheng, Prof. Chu Yuefeng, Prof. Yuefeng Su, associate Prof. Xinmin Yan, assistant researcher Shangli Chen, assistant researcher Huafang Hao and assistant researcher Yun Zhang, 8 people in total, visited NVRI and Krakow Jagiellon University in Kraków, conducting academic exchange visits, further strengthening the communication between Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute (LVRI) and PIWet-PIB for Animal Disease Control. On the other hand, explore new cooperation with animal disease experts from different countries attending the meeting at the Jagiellonian University . During our visit to Jagiellonian University(JU-AU), Prof. Kazimierz Tarasiuk from UNIVERSITY CENTRE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE JU-AU and our staff discussed on the International scientific and technological cooperation. Then our delegation participated in the conference organized by Krakow Jagiellon University entitled “Veterinary Scientists to Veterinarians”, and Prof. Zhang Jie was invited to deliver a lecture titled “The biggest threat to Pig Industry of China-African Swine Fever: Current Scenario & Control Strategies ”.
Lanzhou delegates discussed international S&T cooperation with Polish leaders of the UNIVERSITY CENTRE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE JU-AU
Prof. Zhang jie delivered a lecture titled “The biggest threat to Pig Industry of China-African Swine Fever: Current Scenario & Control Strategies”.
Lanzhou delegates were present conference of “Veterinary Scientists to Veterinarians” During the visit of NVRI, First, Lanzhou delegates attended the “International Symposium on Swine Diseas”held of NVRI.Then both sides exchanged opinions on the construction of the LVRI-PIWet-PIB Joint Lab for Animal Disease Control established in 2016, and discovered the existing problem, to generalize the result.Then we discuss strategies and financing for in-depth development of bilateral cooperationin to further enhancement of the joint laboratory construction. Prof. Sun Yuefeng gave a lecture titled“The function of ID1 gene in regulating FMDV replication” and assistant researcher Chen Shengli gave a lecture titled“Mycoplasma bovis biofilms versus planktonic cells: comparative proteomics and immunoproteomic analysis”. Prof.Zhang jie summarized the progress of LVRI-PIWet-PIB Joint Lab in carrying out international S&T cooperation in the past two years.Members of our delegation respectively to carry on exchanged with foreign counterparts.
Lanzhou delegates were present conference of “International Symposium on Swine Diseas”.
Prof. Sun Yuefeng delivered a lecture titled“The function of ID1 gene in regulating FMDV replication”
Assistant researcher Chen Shengli delivered a lecture titled“Mycoplasma bovis biofilms versus planktonic cells: comparative proteomics and immunoproteomic analysis” Subsequently, according to the needs of their respective projects, our delegation was divided into groups for further discussion: The Pig Disease Research Group and the Bovine Mycoplasmosis Research Group :Prof. Zhang Jie, Liu Yongsheng ,Sun Yuefeng and Chu Yuefeng, Associate Researcher Yan Xinmin, Assistant Researcher Chen Shengli and Hao Huafang conducted academic discussions with Polish project leaders.
The Pig Disease Research and the Bovine Mycoplasmosis Research Group conduct academic exchange discussions with Polish researchers. The Avian Infectious Diseases Research Group:Dr. Wei Yanquan (former Assistant researcher of the LVRI, working in Gansu Agricultural University from 2018, project leader) and Assistant Researcher Zhang Yun conducted academic exchanges with Polish project leaders.
The Avian Infectious Diseases Research Group Dr. Wei Yanquan and Assistant Researcher Zhang Yun visited the laboratory
Prof.Zhang jie introduced the development of LVRI-PIWet-PIB JOINT LAB Our representative and the NVRI in Poland discussed in detail the projects jointly filed in 2018. Prof. Krzysztof Smietanka introduced the current situation of the NVRI and progress of a new Dep. of Research of Omics. Prof. Zhang Jie also introduce recent scientific results of the LVRI-PIWet-PIB joint Lab related to LVRI, include the academic exchanges, joint application of projects, papers jointly published in 2018. Finally, a plan about S&T cooperation in future cooperation was also described. Up to now, there are 38 person time for academic exchange between LVRI,Lanzhou and NVRI, Pulawy, Poland.
Chinese and Polish Scientists take a group photo