National Professional Laboratory for Animal Echinococcosis (Lanzhou, China) 国家动物包虫病专业实验室于2018年依托中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所建立,是首批获农业农村部指定的国家兽医实验室之一,在国内动物包虫病防控、诊断产品研发和基础研究领域具有雄厚实力。现有从事包虫病研究的在职人员10人,博士后2人,研究生、留学生和科研辅助人员30余人。自2010年以来,实验室人员已承担国家“973”项目、国家“十三五”重点研发项目、国家重点研发项目中菲政府间联合研究项目、国家自然基金项目等10余项,累计发表SCI论文80余篇,中文核心期刊论文70余篇,获得国家发明专利6项,修订农业行业标准1项,出版著作2部。 实验室职责 (1)承担国家包虫病基础研究,解决防控工作中的重大和关键性技术难题; (2)研究包虫病诊断、预防、控制和净化等方面的技术; (3)负责对包虫病做出最终诊断结论,并将结论报告农业农村部兽医局; (4)负责提供包虫病诊断试剂标样; (5)负责筛选、推荐国家强制免疫疫苗生产所用虫种、虫株,并按要求及时向农业农村部指定的虫种、菌种保藏机构无偿提供; (6)收集、整理、分析包虫病的流行病学信息,及时向农业农村部兽医局报告; (7)负责对包虫病的诊断、监测技术的指导与培训; (8)受农业农村部兽医局委托对包虫病的诊断、监测进行校准。 主要研究内容 (1)包虫功能基因组学、转录组学和蛋白组学; (2)包虫发育、感染(入侵)致病与免疫机理; (3)包虫体内外培养技术; (4)病原生态学与流行病学; (5)诊断与检测方法的建立及试剂盒研发; (6)新型高效疫苗研发。 已取得的代表性成果 (1)修订了农业行业标准《动物棘球蚴病诊断技术》(NY/T 1466-2018);出版了专著《棘球蚴病》(中国农业出版社2015年出版)。 (2)在国内率先建立了牛、羊棘球蚴病间接ELISA检测方法,建立了疑似包囊组织PCR诊断方法,建立了犬棘球绦虫感染粪DNA-PCR方法、LAMP方法和多重PCR方法等;建立了快速检测石渠棘球绦虫和多房棘球绦虫的RPA荧光探针检测方法。 (3)研制了羊棘球蚴病ELISA诊断试剂盒(图1)和羊棘球蚴病免疫抗体ELISA检测试剂盒(图2)。 (4)在国内外率先实现了EG95疫苗抗原在毕赤酵母中的高效表达,已取得国家发明专利1项,正在进行临床试验研究和新兽药注册证书的申报。 (5)实验室依托的兰州兽医研究所诊断检测中心已获得CNAS ISO/IEC 17025实验室认可证书,获得包虫病诊断和相关标准品制备的资质,储存有国内包虫流行株的基因组DNA、棘球绦虫阳性犬粪便,包虫病阳性牛、羊血清,EG95基因工程重组抗原及其免疫血清等标准物质。 (6)对我国棘球蚴病的分子流行病学开展了大量研究,掌握了我国棘球蚴病的流行情况和优势虫种(株),为疫苗虫株的选择提供了重要依据。 (7)开展了巴基斯坦和尼日利亚棘球蚴病分子流行病学调查,调查表明奥氏棘球绦虫(G5)在巴基斯坦较为常见,而在尼日利亚则主要流行加拿大棘球绦虫(G6)。 (8)建立了小鼠和沙鼠的多房棘球蚴模型、石渠棘球蚴模型。 (9)建立了基于三维(3D)肝实质-骨髓间充质干细胞共培养的多房棘球蚴体外培养/感染模型。 (10)与华大基因生命科学研究院进行合作,已完成细粒棘球绦虫、多房棘球绦虫基因组的重测序(Re-sequencing)以及石渠棘球绦虫等基因组的从头测序(de novo sequencing)。 (11)在甘肃、青海和宁夏建立了棘球蚴病综合防控示范区(点),多次组织各类棘球蚴病防控技术培训与研讨班。 (12)与10余个国内外科研院所、高校的科学家(团队)建立了合作关系。 近年来发表的主要科技论文 (1)SCI收录论文 [1] Wu YD, Li L, Fan YL, Ohiolei JA, Ni XW, Li WH, Li JQ, Zhang NZ, Fu BQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2021) Genetic Evolution and Implications of the Mitochondrial Genomes of Two Newly Identified Taenia spp. in Rodents from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Front Microbiol, in press. [2] Yan HB, Li L, Li WH, Zhu GQ, Li JQ, Wu YT, Zhang NZ, Wu YD, Li M, Zhang LS, Yao G, Tian WJ, Li L, Li WJ, Guo AM, Dai GD, Fu BQ, Ohiolei JA, Jia WZ. (2021) Echinococcus shiquicus in Qinghai-Tibet plateau: population structure and confirmation of additional endemic areas. Parasitology, in press. [3] Ohiolei JA, Yan HB, Li L, Li WH, Wu YD, Alvi MA, Zhang NZ, Fu BQ, Wang XL, Jia WZ. (2021) A new molecular nomenclature for Taenia hydatigena: mitochondrial DNA sequences reveal sufficient diversity suggesting the assignment of major haplotype divisions. Parasitology, 148(3): 311-326. [4] Liu ZL, Wang S, Cai XP, Zeng QY. (2021) Transcriptome profiling of Cysticercus pisiformis provides insight into responses to host bile acids. Parasitol Int, 81: 102246. [5] Yang J, Wu JE, Fu Y, Yan LJ, Li YT, Guo XL, Zhang YE, Wang XQ, Shen YJ, Cho WC., Zheng YD. (2021) Identification of Different Extracellular Vesicles in the Hydatid Fluid of Echinococcus granulosus and Immunomodulatory Effects of 110 K EVs on Sheep PBMCs. Front Immunol, 12(undefined), 602717. [6] Wu JE, Cai MT, Yang J, Li YT, Ding JT, Kandil OM, Kutyrev I, Ayaz M, Zheng YD. (2021). Comparative analysis of different extracellular vesicles secreted by Echinococcus granulosus protoscoleces. Acta Trop, 213(undefined), 105756. doi:10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105756 [7] Alvi MA, Li L, Saqib M, Ohiolei JA, Tayyab MH, Tahir MM, Qamar W, Altaf W, Usman M, Hassan A, Bajwa MRK, Fu BQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2021) Copro-antigenic sandwich ELISA based epidemiological survey on prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus infection in dogs: first insight from Pakistan. Intl J Agric Biol, 25(4): 881-887. [8] Alvi MA, Ohiolei JA, Li L, Saqib M, Hussain MH, Tayyab MH, Ghafoor M, Qamar W, Faridi NY, Alvi AA, Fu BQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2020) Echinococcus granulosus In-House Developed ELISA Indicates High Prevalence of Anti- IgG in Sheep Population-An Update from Pakistan. Pathogens, 9(11): 905. [9] Guo XL, Zheng YD. (2020) Profiling of miRNAs in Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages Responding to Echinococcus multilocularis Infection. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 10: 132. [10] Alvi MA, Ohiolei JA, Saqib M, Li L, Tayyab MH, Alvi AA, Wu YT, Fu BQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2020) Echinococcus granulosus (sensu stricto) (G1, G3) and E. ortleppi (G5) in Pakistan: phylogeny, genetic diversity and population structural analysis based on mitochondrial DNA. Parasit Vectors, 13(1): 347. [11] Ohiolei JA, Li L, Ebhodaghe F, Yan HB, Isaac C, Bo XW, Fu BQ, Jia WZ. (2020) Prevalence and distribution of Echinococcus spp. in wild and domestic animals across Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Transbound Emerg Dis, 67(6): 2345-2364. [12] Ohiolei JA, Li L, Yan HB, Fu BQ, Jia WZ. (2020) Complete mitochondrial genome analysis confirms the presence of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato genotype G6 in Nigeria. Infect Genet Evol, 84: 104377. [13] Alvi MA, Ohiolei JA, Saqib M, Li L, Muhammad N, Tayyab MH, Qamar W, Alvi AA, Wu YD, Li XR, Fu BQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2020) Preliminary information on the prevalence and molecular description of Taenia hydatigena isolates in Pakistan based on mitochondrial cox1 gene. Infect Genet Evol, 85: 104481. [14] Ohiolei JA, Yan HB, Li L, Zhu GQ, Muku RJ, Wu YT, Jia WZ. (2020) Review of Cystic Echinococcosis in Nigeria: A Story of Neglect. Acta Parasitol, 65(1): 1-10. [15] Muku RJ, Yan HB, Ohiolei JA, Saaid AA, Ahmed S, Jia WZ, Fu BQ. (2020) Molecular Identification of Taenia hydatigena from Sheep in Khartoum, Sudan. Korean J Parasitol, 58(1): 93-97. [16] Zhu GQ, Yan HB, Li L, Ohiolei JA, Wu YT, Li WH, Zhang NZ, Fu BQ, Jia WZ. (2020). First report on the phylogenetic relationship, genetic variation of Echinococcus shiquicus isolates in Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Parasit Vectors, 13(1): 590. [17] Alvi MA, Ohiolei JA, Saqib M, Tayyab MH, Zafar KMU, Li L, Aqib AI, Hassan A, Alvi AA, Qamar W, Fu BQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2020) Taenia multiceps First Report on Molecular Characterization of Isolates From Sheep and Goats in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Front Vet Sci, 7: 594599. [18] Wang XZ, Dai GD, Li M, Jia WZ, Guo ZM, Lu JH. (2020) Prevalence of human alveolar echinococcosis in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 20(1): 1105. [19] Wu JE, Yang J, Cho WC, Zheng YD. (2020) Argonaute proteins: structural features, functions and emerging roles. J Adv Res. 24: 317-324. [20] Ohiolei JA, Xia CY, Li L, Liu JZ, Tang WQ, Wu YT, Danqulamu, Zhu GQ, Shi B, Fu BQ, Yin H, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2019) Genetic variation of Echinococcus spp. in yaks and sheep in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China based on mitochondrial DNA. Parasit Vectors, 27, 12(1): 608. [21] Zhu GQ, Li L, Ohiolei JA, Wu YT, Li WH, Zhang NZ, Fu BQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2019) A multiplex PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of Taenia hydatigena, T. multiceps, T. pisiformis, and Dipylidium caninum infections. BMC Infect Dis, 19(1): 854. [22] Ohiolei JA, Luka J, Zhu GQ, Yan HB, Li L, Magaji AA, Alvi MA, Wu YT, Li JQ, Fu BQ, Jia WZ. (2019) First molecular description, phylogeny and genetic variation of Taenia hydatigena from Nigerian sheep and goats based on three mitochondrial genes. Parasit Vectors, 15: 520. [23] Ohiolei JA, Yan HB, Li L, Isaac C, Fu BQ, Jia WZ. (2019) First report of Echinococcus granulosus sensu stricto (G1) in Nigeria, West Africa. J Helminthol, 94: e109. [24] Ding JT, He GT, Wu JE, Yang J, Zheng YD. (2019) miRNA-seq of Echinococcus multilocularis extracellular vesicles and immunomodulatory effects of mir-4989. Front Microbiol, 10: 2707. [25] Wu JE, Yang J, He GT, Guo XL, Kutyrev, I, Kandil OM, Zheng YD. (2019) High-throughput identification of microRNAs in Taenia hydatigena, a cestode threatening livestock breeding industry. Infection, genetics and evolution. Infect Genet Evol, 75: 103985. [26] Giraudoux P, Zhao YM, Afonso E, Yan HB, Knapp J, Rogan MT, Shi DZ, Jia WZ, Craig PS. (2019) Long-term retrospective assessment of a transmission hotspot for human alveolar echinococcosis in mid-west China. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 13(8): e0007701. [27] Li JQ, Li L, Fu BQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2019) Complete mitochondrial genomes confirm the generic placement of the plateau vole, Neodon fuscus. Biosci Rep, 39(8): BSR20182349. [28] Ohiolei JA, Yan HB, Li L, Magaji AA, Luka J, Zhu GQ, Isaac C, Odoya ME, Wu YT, Alvi MA, Muku RJ, Fu BQ, Jia WZ. (2019) Cystic echinococcosis in Nigeria: first insight into the genotypes of Echinococcus granulosus in animals. Parasit Vectors, 12(1): 392. [29] Li JQ, Li L, Fan YL, Fu BQ, Zhu XQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. (2018) Genetic Diversity in Echinococcus multilocularis From the Plateau Vole and Plateau Pika in Jiuzhi County, Qinghai Province, China. Front Microbiol, 9: 2632. [30] Wu YT, Li L, Zhu GQ, Li WH, Zhang NZ, Li SN, Yao G, Tian WJ, Fu BQ, Yin H, Zhu XQ, Yan H, Jia WZ. (2018) Mitochondrial genome data confirm that yaks can serve as the intermediate host of Echinococcus canadensis (G10) on the Tibetan Plateau. Parasit Vectors, 11(1): 166. [31] Li L, Chen B, Yan HB, Zhao YN, Lou ZZ, Li JQ, Fu BQ, Zhu XQ, McManus DP, Dai JW, Jia WZ. (2018) Three-dimensional hepatocyte culture system for the study of Echinococcus multilocularis larval development. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 12(3): e0006309. [32] Liu CN, Xu YY, Cadavid-Restrepo AM, Lou ZZ, Yan HB, Li L, Fu BQ, Gray DJ, Clements AA, Barnes TS, Williams GM, Jia WZ, McManus DP, Yang YR. (2018) Estimating the prevalence of Echinococcus in domestic dogs in highly endemic for echinococcosis. Infect Dis Poverty, 7(1): 77 [33] Li WH, Liu B, Yang Y, Ren YW, Wang S, Liu CH, Zhang NZ, Qu ZG, Yang W, Zhang Y, Yan H, Jiang F, Li L, Li SQ, Jia WZ, Yin H, Cai XP, Liu T, McManus DP, Fan W, Fu BQ. (2018) The genome of tapeworm Taenia multiceps sheds light on understanding parasitic mechanism and control of coenurosis disease. DNA Res, 25(1): 499-510. [34] Zheng YD. (2018) Suppression of mouse miRNA-222-3p in response to Echinococcus multilocularis infection. Intern Immunopharmacol, 64: 252-255. [35] Zheng YD, Guo XL, Su M, Chen XQ, Jin XL, Ding JT, Wang ZR, Bo XW, Ayaz M, Kutyrev I, Jia WZ, Zhang XC, Zhang J. (2018) Identification of emu-tegp11, an ef-hand domain- containing tegumental protein of Echinococcus multilocularis. Vet Parasitol, 255: 107-113. [36] Guo XL, Zheng YD. (2018) MicroRNA expression profile in RAW264.7 macrophage cells exposed to Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Parasitology, 145(3): 416-423. [37] Guo XL, Zheng YD. (2018) Identification and characterization of microRNAs in a cestode Hydatigera taeniaeformis using deep sequencing approach. Exp Parasitol, 194: 32-37. [38] Guo XL, Zhang XY, Jing Yang J, Jin XL, Ding JT, Xiang HT, Ayaz M, Luo XN, Zheng YD. (2017) Suppression of nemo-like kinase by mir-71 in Echinococcus multilocularis. Exp Parasitol, 183: 1-5. [39] Zheng YD. (2017) Proteomic analysis of Taenia hydatigena cyst fluid reveals unique internal microenvironment. Acta Trop, 176: 224-227. [40] Zheng YD. (2017) High-throughput identification of miRNAs of Taenia ovis, a cestode threatening sheep industry. Infect Genet Evol 51: 98-100. [41] Zheng YD. (2017) Proteomic analysis of Taenia ovis metacestodes by high performance liquid chromatography-coupled tandem mass spectrometry. Vet Parasitol, 236: 113-116. [42] Guo XL, Zheng YD. (2017) Expression profiling of circulating miRNAs in mouse serum in response to Echinococcus multilocularis infection. Parasitology, 144(8): 1079-1087. [43] Zheng YD, Guo XL, Su M, Guo AJ, Ding JT, Yang J, Xiang HT, Cao XA, Zhang SH, Ayaz M, Luo XN. (2017) Regulatory effects of Echinococcus multilocularis extracellular vesicles on RAW264.7 macrophages. Vet. Parasitol, 235: 29-36. [44] Jin XL, Guo XL, Zhu DQ, Ayaz M, Zheng YD. (2017) miRNA profiling in the mice in response to Echinococcus multilocularis infection. Acta Trop, 166: 39-44. [45] Fan YL, Lou ZZ, Li L, Yan HB, Liu QY, Zhan F, Li JQ, Liu CN, Cai JZ, Lei MT, Shi WG, Yang YR, McManus DP, Jia WZ. (2016) Genetic diversity in Echinococcus shiquicus from the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) in Darlag County, Qinghai, China. Infect Genet Evol, 45: 408-414. [46] Zheng YD. (2016) Taenia ovis: an emerging threat to the Chinese sheep industry? Parasit Vectors, 9(1): 415. [47] Shi WG, He W, Guo XL, Liu QY, Gao SZ, Zhan F, Liu X, Pan YH, Luo XN, Zheng YD. (2016) The first outbreak of Taenia ovis infection in China. Parasitol Int, 65, 422-423. [48] Zheng YD, Guo XL, He W, Shao ZW, Zhang XY, Yang J, Shen YJ, Luo XN, Cao JP. (2016) Effects of Echinococcus multilocularis miR-71 mimics on murine macrophage RAW264.7 cells. Int Immunopharmacol, 34: 259-262. [49] Wang XQ, Ding JT, Guo XL, Zheng YD. (2015) Current Understandings of Molecular Biology of Echinococcus multilocularis, a Pathogen for Alveolar Echinococcosis in Humans- a Narrative Review Article. Iran J Parasitol, 10(3): 329-37. [50] Liu CN, Lou ZZ, Li L, Yan HB, Blair D, Lei MT, Cai JZ, Fan YL, Li JQ, Fu BQ, Yang YR, McManus DP, Jia WZ. (2015) Discrimination between E. granulosus sensu stricto, E. multilocularis and E. shiquicus Using a Multiplex PCR Assay. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 9(9): e0004084. [51] Ni XW, McManus DP, Yan HB, Yang JF, Lou ZZ, Li HM, Li L, Lei MT, Cai JZ, Fan YL, Zheng YD, Fu BQ, Yang YR, Jia WZ. (2014) Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the identification of Echinococcus multilocularis infections in canids. Parasit Vectors, 6(1): 291. [52] Ni XW, McManus DP, Yan HB, Yang JF, Lou ZZ, Li L, Li HM, Liu QY, Shi WG, Fan YL, Liu X, Cai JZ, Lei MT, Fu BQ, Yang YR, Jia WZ. (2014) A comparison of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) with other surveillance tools for Echinococcus granulosus diagnosis in canine definitive hosts. PLoS One, 9(7): e100877. [53] Zheng YD. (2013) Strategies of Echinococcus species responses to immune attacks: implications for therapeutic tool development. Int Immunopharmacol, 17(3): 495-501. [54] Zheng YD, Cai XP, Bradley JE. (2013) microRNAs in parasites and parasite infection. RNA Biol, 10(3): 371-379. [55] Zheng YD. (2013) Phylogenetic analysis of the Argonaute protein family in platyhelminths. Mol Phylogenet Evol, 66(3): 1050-1054. [56] Zheng YD, Cai XP, Bradley JE. (2013) microRNAs in parasites and parasite infection. RNA Biol. 10(3): 377-85. [57] Yan HB, Lou ZZ, Li L, Ni XW, Guo AJ, Li H, Zheng YD, Dyachenko V, Jia WZ. (2013) The nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA gene as a source of phylogenetic information in the genus Taenia. Parasitol Res, 112(3): 1343-1347. [58] Li WH, Jia WZ, Qu ZG, Xie ZZ, Luo JX, Yin H, Sun XL, Blaga R, Fu BQ. (2013) Molecular characterization of Taenia multiceps isolates from Gansu Province, China by sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1. Korean J Parasitol, 51(2): 197-201. [59] Jia WZ, Yan HB, Lou ZZ, Ni XW, Dyachenko V, Li HM, Littlewood DT. (2012) Mitochondrial genes and genomes support a cryptic species of tapeworm within Taenia taeniaeformis. Acta Trop, 123(3): 154-163. [60] Wang S, Luo XN, Wei W, Zheng YD, Dou YX, Cai XP. (2013) Calculation of evolutionary correlation between individual genes and full-length genome: a method useful for choosing phylogenetic markers for molecular epidemiology. PLoS One, 8(12): e81106. [61] Jia WZ, Yan HB, Lou ZZ, Ni XW, Liu HX, Li HM, Guo AJ, Fu BQ. (2011) Genetic variation of the 8-kDa glycoprotein family from Echinococcus granulosus, Taenia multiceps and Taenia hydatigena. Chinese Med J, 124(18): 2849-2856. [62] Jia WZ, Yan HB, Guo AJ, Zhu XQ, Wang YC, Shi WG, Chen HT, Zhan F, Zhang SH, Fu BQ, Littlewood DT, Cai XP. (2010) Complete mitochondrial genomes of Taenia multiceps, T. hydatigena and T. pisiformis: additional molecular markers for a tapeworm genus of human and animal health significance. BMC Genomics, 11: 447. (2)中文论文 [1] 李秀荣, 闫鸿斌, 李立, 付宝权, 薄新文, 朱兴全, 贾万忠. 绦虫基因组学研究进展. 中国人兽共患病学报, 2021, 37(02): 152-158. Li XR, Yan HB, Li L, Fu BQ, Bo XW, Zhu XQ, Jia WZ. (2021) Advances in genomics research on tapeworms. Chinese Journal of Zoonoses, 37(02): 152-158. [2] 张军梅, 李瑞, 陈晓倩, 何学东, 王正荣, 郑亚东, 胡俊杰, 郭小腊. 多房棘球绦虫主要卵抗原重组蛋白的制备及其在免疫诊断中的初步应用. 中国兽医科学, 2021, 0073???. Zhang JM, LI R, Chen XQ, He XD, Wang ZR, Zheng YD, Hu JJ, Guo XL, (2021) Preparation of the major egg antigen recombinant protein of Echinococcus multilocularis and its preliminary application in immunodiagnosis. Chinese Veterinary Science, 0073???. [3] 张永娥, 李雅婷, 颜鲁军, 杨静, 丁军涛, 郑亚东. 细粒棘球绦虫miR-71对绵羊外周血单核细胞的免疫调节作用. 中国兽医科学, 2021, 51(03): 289-295. Zhang YE, Li YT, Yan Lj, Yang J, Ding JT, Zheng YD. (2021) Immunomodulatory effects of Echinococcus granulosus miR-71 on sheep peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Chinese Veterinary Science, 51(03): 289-295. [4] 何学东, 郭小腊, 孙晓林, 曾巧英, 郑亚东. 多房棘球蚴主要卵抗原p40-1的原核表达、多克隆抗体制备及其组织定位. 中国兽医科学, 2020, 50(08): 982-988. He XD, Guo XL, Sun XL, Zeng QY, Zheng YD. (2020) Prokaryotic expression,polyclonal antibodies preparation and tissue localization for MEAp40-1 of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes. Chinese Veterinary Science, 50(08): 982-988. [5] 颜鲁军, 李雅婷, 丁军军, 杨静, 郑亚东, 陈轶霞. 细粒棘球蚴原头节miR-71的分泌表达特征分析. 中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志, 2020, 38(02): 188-193. Yan LJ, Li YT, Ding JJ, Yang J, Zheng YD, Chen YX. (2020) Analysis of miR-71 secretion and expression characteristics of Echinococcus granulosus protoscolex. Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases, 38(02): 188-193. [6] 李秀荣, 李立, 闫鸿斌, 辇晓峰, 张林生, 付宝权, 贾万忠. 基于高通量测序的多房棘球蚴感染小鼠肝组织中差异circRNA的生物信息学分析. 中国兽医科学, 2020, 50(04): 437-443. Li XR, Li L, Yan HB, Nian XF, Zhang LS, Fu BQ, Jia WZ. (2020) Bioinformatics analysis of differentially expressed circRNAs in hepatictissues of mice infected with Echinococcus multilocularis larvae based on high-throughput sequencing. Chinese Veterinary Science, 50(04): 437-443. [7] 朱国强, 李立, 闫鸿斌, 吴燕涛, 李文卉, 付宝权, 贾万忠. 石渠棘球绦虫研究进展. 中华预防医学杂志, 2019, 53(1): 112-117. Zhu GQ, Li L, Yan HB, Li WH, Fu BQ, Jia WZ. (2019) Advances in research on Echinococcus shiquicus tapeworm. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53(1): 112-117. 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[19] 马睿麟, 娄忠子, 李立, 胡广卫, 赵全邦, 沈艳丽, 闫鸿斌, 张向乐, 殷宏, 蔡金山, 贾万忠. 青海省细粒棘球蚴线粒体cox1基因和nad1基因多态性的研究. 中国兽医科学, 2014, 44(12): 1251-1256. Ma RL, Lou ZZ, Li L, Hu GW, Zhao QB, Shen YL, Yan HB, Zhang XL, Yin H, Cai JS, Jia WZ. (2014) Nucleotide polymorphism of cox1 and nad1 genes of Echinococcus granulosus metacestode isolates collected from Qinghai Province. Chinese Veterinary Science, 44(12): 1251-1256. [20] 李春花, 蔡进忠, 贾万忠, 才让扎西, 雷萌桐, 昂巴卡松, 李剑, 童延军, 仁增尼玛, 娄忠子, 闫鸿斌, 李长云, 谢仲强, 三木旦尖措. 青海牧区藏犬寄生虫病流行病学调查研究. 青海畜牧兽医杂志, 2014, 44(04): 1-4. Li CH, Cai JZ, Jia WZ, Cairangzaxi, Lei MT, Anbakesong, Li J, Tong YJ, Renzengnima, Lou ZZ, Yan HB, Li CY, Xie ZQ, Shanmudanjiancuo. (2014) Epidemiology investigation of dog parasites in Qinghai pasture. Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 44(4): 1-4. [21] 李宏民, 娄忠子, 李立, 李振华, 李建秋, 闫鸿斌, 贾万忠. 棘球蚴EG95重组蛋白研究进展. 中国人兽共患病学报, 2014, 30(10): 1066-1070+1078. Li HM, Lou ZZ, Li L, Li ZH, Li JQ, Yan HB, Jia WZ. 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Chinese Journal of Zoonoses, 26(2): 179-182. 著作 贾万忠, 闫鸿斌, 李立, 娄忠子. 棘球蚴病. 中国农业出版社, 北京, 2015. 690千字. 郑亚东, 郭小腊, 熊睿, 靳晓亮, 杨静. RNA生物学, 兰州大学出版社, 兰州, 2016, 450千字. 专利 [1] 贾万忠, 娄忠子, 李宏民, 闫鸿斌, 倪兴维. 截短细粒棘球蚴EG95重组抗原在毕赤酵母中的高效表达方法. 专利号ZL201210103512.1. [2] 贾万忠, 李立, 陈冰, 肖志峰, 戴建武, 闫鸿斌, 娄忠子. 一种棘球蚴体外三维培养模型及其应用. 专利号ZL201510212551.9. [3] 娄忠子, 贾万忠, 闫鸿斌, 李宏民, 李立, 范彦雷, 倪兴维. 用于鉴定和鉴别棘球绦虫的检测试剂盒. 专利号ZL201310102181.4. [4] 贾万忠, 倪兴维, 闫鸿斌, 娄忠子, 李宏民, 李立. 从犬粪便中检测石渠棘球绦虫(蚴)病原的试剂盒. 专利号ZL201310342870.2. [5] 贾万忠, 倪兴维, 闫鸿斌, 娄忠子, 李宏民. 从犬粪便中检测多房棘球绦虫病原的试剂盒. 专利号ZL201110346474.8. [6] 闫鸿斌, 李立, 朱国强, 娄忠子, 李双男, 李文卉, 张念章, 贾万忠, 付宝权. 用于检测和区分多种以犬为终末宿主的常见大中型绦虫的检测试剂盒. ZL201710013354.3. 承担项目情况 专业实验室主要成员先后承担国家“973”项目、国家“十三五”重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金项目、中国农业科学院基本科研业务费、国家重点实验室项目等。同时,成员已得到中国农业科学院“科技创新工程”(2013年-)经费的大力资助。近10年承担项目情况详见下表: 序号 项目来源 项目编号 项目(课题)名称 负责人(参加) 经费万元 项目开始年月 项目结束年月 1 国家重点研发计划项目 SQ2020YFE010452 中菲共同流行的重危害蠕虫病原的检测、传播预警及相关产品的安全风险评估技术 贾万忠 参加 40 2021.02 2023.01 2 973计划 2015CB150300 牛羊重要寄生虫致病机制的分子基础 贾万忠 参加 80 2015.01 2019.08 3 国家重点实验室项目 SKLVEB2020CGPY01 棘球蚴病防控技术新产品的创制与应用 贾万忠 200 2020.01 2024.12 4 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费 1610312020010 国家动物包虫病专业实验室建设 贾万忠 30 2020.01 2022.12 5 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费 1610312017001 包虫病防控技术的应急储备研究 贾万忠 60 2017.01 2019.12 6 科研单位与企业合作项目 — 羊包虫病基因工程疫苗联合研发 贾万忠 800 2017.10 2023.12 7 科研单位与企业合作项目 — 牛包虫病基因工程疫苗及试剂盒的联合研制 贾万忠 500 2019.11 2023.12 8 十三五国家重点研发项目 2018YFC1602504 食源性寄生虫特异、高灵敏检测与确证技术研发 贾万忠 参加 20 2019.01 2021.12 9 甘肃省科技重大专项 1203NKDA039 棘球蚴病防控生物新制剂的创制 贾万忠 40 2012.01 2014.12 11 国家公益性行业(农业)科研项目 200903036-07 包虫病防控技术研究 贾万忠 206 2009.10 2013.12 12 973计划 2015CB150300 牛羊重要寄生虫致病机制的分子基础 郑亚东 参加 192.67 2015.01 2019.08 13 国家自然科学基金联合基金 分泌性egr-miR-71在细粒棘球蚴感染过程中的免疫调节作用 郑亚东 60 2018.01 2021.12 14 国家自然科学基金-青年基金 31802179 王帅 26 2019.01 2021.12 15 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费 1610312020010 HIV蛋白酶抑制剂类药物抗多房棘球蚴的机制研究 王帅 30 2020.01 2022.12 16 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费 1610312016012 利用CRISPR/Cas9技术研究Wnt信号通路在多房包虫发育过程中的功能 闫鸿斌 69 2016.01 2019.12 17 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目 31402191 利用RNA引导的CRISPR/Cas9系统研究多房棘球绦虫丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂的功能 闫鸿斌 25 2015.01 2017.12 18 十三五国家重点研发项目 2017YFD0501300 包虫病疫苗和诊断制剂的研制 闫鸿斌 参加 40 2017.01 2020.12 19 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费 1610312020004 基于微流控芯片的寄生虫入侵肠上皮细胞模型的建立及应用 李立 30 2020.01 2022.12 20 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目 31401148 基于肝细胞三维培养的多房棘球蚴感染模型的建立 李立 24 2015.01 2017.12 21 国家重点实验室项目 SKLVEB2012KFKT012 多房棘球绦虫干细胞三维培养及动物肝细胞/组织体外培养 李立 参加 15 2012.01 2013.12 22 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目 3170224 多房包虫绦虫分泌的emu-miRNA10对中间宿主免疫应答调控的研究 郭小腊 26 2018.01 2020.12 联系方式 实验室主任:贾万忠 研究员 生物安全管理负责人:闫鸿斌 副研究员 地址:甘肃省兰州市城关区盐场堡徐家坪1号,730046 联系人:郭爱民 联系电话:0931-8312212,13893100067,18153698830,18393911262 传真:0931-8340977 邮箱:jiawanzhong@caas.cn; yanhongbin@caas.cn; guoaimin@caas.cn