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1983.9-1987.6 兰州大学生物学系动物学专业,学士

1987.9-1990.6 中国医学科学院/中国协和医科大学


1990.7-1992.8 美国密西根大学医学中心,研究助理

1992.9-1995.6 美国Emory大学细胞与发育生物学专业,博士

1995.7-1997.7 美国旧金山Tularik公司, 博士后

1997.8-1998.7 美国Magainin制药公司,Senior Scientist

1998.8-2005.8 美国犹太医学研究中心及科罗拉多大学医学院免疫学系,助理教授、副教授

2000.1-2004.12 北京大学生命科学学院,长江教授

2005.9-2013.12 武汉大学生命科学学院,院长

2013.8-2022.1 武汉大学,副校长

2005.9-至今   武汉大学生命科学学院,教授

2014.5-至今   武汉大学医学研究院,院长,教授

2022.11-至今  中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所/兰州大学动物医学与生物安全学院,兼职PI


1.Hu MM, Shu HB* (2023). Mitochondrial DNA-triggered innate immune response: mechanisms and diseases. Cell Mol Immunol. 20(12):1403-1412

2.Liu R, Zeng LW, Li HF, Shi JG, Zhong B, Shu HB* & Shu Li* (2023). PD-1 signaling negatively regulates the common cytokine receptor γ chain via MARCH5-mediated ubiquitination and degradation to suppress anti-tumor immunity. Cell Res. 33(12):923–939

3.Cao LB, Ruan ZL, Yang YL, Zhang NC, Gao C, Cai CG, Zhang J, Hu MM*, Shu HB* (2023). Estrogen receptor α-mediated signaling inhibits type I interferon response to promote breast cancer. J Mol Cell Biol. 13:mjad047

4.Guo Y, Zhang XN, Su S, Ruan ZL, Hu MM*, Shu HB* (2023). β-adrenoreceptor-triggered PKA activation negatively regulates the innate antiviral response. Cell Mol Immunol. 20(2):175-188

5.Zhong B, Shu HB* (2022). MITA/STING-mediated antiviral immunity and autoimmunity: the evolution, mechanism, and intervention. Curr Opin Immunol. 78:102248

6.Su S#, Hua D#, Li JP#, Zhang XN, Bai L, Cao LB, Guo Y, Zhang M, Dong JZ, Liang XW, Lan K, Hu MM*, Shu HB* (2022). Modulation of innate immune response to viruses including SARS-CoV-2 by progesterone. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 7(1):137

7.Feng L, Li C, Zeng LW, Gao D, Sun YH, Zhong L, Lin H, Shu HB*, Li S* (2022). MARCH3 negatively regulates IL-3-triggered inflammatory response by mediating K48-linked polyubiquitination and degradation of IL-3Rα. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 7(1):21

8.Lin H, Feng L, Cui KS, Zeng LW, Gao D, Zhang LX, Xu WH, Sun YH, Shu HB*, Li S* (2021). The membrane-associated E3 ubiquitin ligase MARCH3 downregulates the IL-6 receptor and suppresses colitis-associated carcinogenesis. Cell Mol Immunol. 18(12):2648-2659

9.Zhong L, Shu HB* (2021). Mitotic inactivation of the cGAS‒MITA/STING pathways. J Mol Cell Biol. 13(10):721-727

10.Li C, Feng L, Luo WW, Lei CQ, Li M, Shu HB* (2021). The RNA-binding protein LUC7L2 mediates MITA/STING intron retention to negatively regulate innate antiviral response. Cell Discov. 7(1):46

11.He WR, Cao LB, Yang YL, Hua D, Hu MM, Shu HB* (2021). VRK2 is involved in the innate antiviral response by promoting mitostress-induced mtDNA release. Cell Mol Immunol 18(5):1186-1196

12.Song ZM, Lin H, Yi XM, Guo W, Ming-Ming Hu, Shu HB* (2020). KAT5 acetylates cGAS to promote innate immune response to DNA virus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 117(35):21568-21575

13.Zhong L, Hu MM, Bian LJ, Liu Y, Chen Q and Shu HB* (2020). Phosphorylation of cGAS by CDK1 impairs self-DNA sensing in mitosis. Cell Discov. 28:6:26

14.Li M, Shu HB* (2020). Dephosphorylation of cGAS by PPP6C impairs its substrate binding activity and innate antiviral response. Protein Cell. 11(8):584-599

15.Liao Chen-Yang, Lei Cao-Qi, Shu HB* (2020). PCBP1 modulates the innate immune response by facilitating the binding of cGAS to DNA. Cell Mol Immunol. 18(10):2334-2343

16.Zhong X, Feng L, Zang R, Lei Cao-Qi, Yang Qing, Shu HB* (2020). ZFYVE1 negatively regulates MDA5- but not RIG-I-mediated innate antiviral response. PLoS Pathog. 16(4):e1008457

17.Zang R, Lian H, Zhong X, Yang Q*, Shu HB* (2020). ZCCHC3 modulates TLR3-mediated signaling by promoting recruitment of TRIF to TLR3. J Mol Cell Biol. 12(4):251-262

18.Yang Q, Shu HB* (2020). Deciphering the pathways to antiviral innate immunity and inflammation. Adv Immunol. 145:1-36

19.Hu MM, Shu HB*(2020). Innate Immune Response to Cytoplasmic DNA: Mechanisms and Diseases. Annu Rev Immunol. 38:79-98