一、个人简历 潘丽,博士,研究员,博士生导师,中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所口蹄疫防控技术创新团队骨干,主要从事动物病毒分子生物学与免疫学研究。主持国家自然基金、重点研发计划专项课题、甘肃省科技支撑计划及甘肃省国际科技合作计划等项目6项,参加国家重大基础发展规划研究(973)、国家科技攻关、国家支撑计划、国家高技术研究发展计划(863)等多项科研项目。研究成果获中华农业科技一等奖1项,甘肃省专利二等奖1项,甘肃省科技进步二等奖1项;获二类新兽药证书2项,三类新兽药证书1项;授权国家发明专利6项;发表论文80余篇,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇。 二、联系方式 1.研究方向:动物疫苗与分子免疫学 2.电话:0931-8343719 3.邮箱:panli@caas.cn 4.所在单位:中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所 5.通讯地址:甘肃省兰州市盐场堡徐家坪1号 三、教育经历 1.1993.09 – 1997.06,西南大学,微生物学专业,学士 2.1998.09 – 2001.06,甘肃农业大学,预防兽医学专业,硕士 3.2002.09– 2005.06,中国农业科学院研究生院,预防兽医学专业,博士 四、工作经历 2019.01 – 至今,中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所,口蹄疫防控技术团队,研究员 2009.01 – 2018.12,中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所,口蹄疫病研究室,副研究员 2003.01 – 2008.12,中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所,口蹄疫病研究室,助理研究员 1997.09 – 2002.12,中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所,病毒病研究室,研究实习员 五、承担项目 1.主持“十四五”国家重点研发计划课题1:草食家畜新发和重要疫病新型疫苗研究(2023YFD1802501,2023.12-2027.12),594万元; 2.主持“十三五”国家重点研发计划课题3:口蹄疫疫苗免疫效果评估方法研究(2016YFD0501503,2016.07-2020.12),315万元; 3.主持国家自然基金面上项目:双重靶向APCs的载壳聚糖PLGA纳米微球增强黏膜免疫的分子机制(31772780,2018.01-2021.12),61万元; 4.主持“科技助力经济2020”重点专项-口蹄疫防控与净化技术的推广应用(SQ2020YFF0426570,2020.07-2021.12),300万元; 5.主持甘肃省科技支撑计划:乳酸菌介导的口蹄疫黏膜免疫疫苗的研制(1604NKCA045-2,2016.07-2018.12),8万元: 6.主持甘肃省国际科技合作计划:口蹄疫黏膜免疫抗原提呈系统及黏膜免疫机制的研究(1011WCGA160,2010.01-2012.12),10万元; 7.主持中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所所长基金:猪δ冠状病毒反向遗传操作系统的建立及应用(LVRI-SZJJ-202104,2021.12-2024.12),90万元; 8.参加国家生猪产业技术体系“强制性免疫病防控” (CARS-35,2021.01-2025.12); 9.参加“十三五”国家重点研发计划课题4:区分免疫与感染的畜禽重大疫病标记疫苗创制(2017YFD0501104,2017.07-2020.12); 10.参加欧盟“FMD-DISCONVAC”项目口蹄疫黏膜免疫研究(No:226556,2009.04-2014.12); 11.参加“十二五”国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题:家畜口蹄疫新型疫苗研制与生产工艺创新( 项目编号:2011AA10A211,2011.01-2015.12) 六、代表论文与著作(*通讯作者) 1.Ruiming Yu, Liping Zhang, Dongsheng Wang, Jun Yang, Peng Zhou, Yuhan Wen, Mingxia Li, Yingjie Bai, Zhongwang Zhang, Yousheng Peng, Yanzhen Lu, Dan Li, Jian He, Yonglu Wang, Huichen Guo, Li Pan*, Xinsheng Liu*. Characterization of a cell-adapted completely attenuated genotype GIIa porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strain. Virology 604 (2025)110407. 2.Yingjie Bai, Ruiming Yu, Guangqing Zhou, Liping Zhang, TianTian Wang, Ya Liu, Dongsheng Wang, Zhongwang Zhang, Yonglu Wang, Huichen Guo, Li Pan*, Xinsheng Liu*. A novel double-antibody sandwich ELISA based on monoclonal antibodies against the viral spike protein detects porcine deltacoronavirus infection. Microbiology Spectrum 2025, 10.1128/spectrum.02854-24 3.Liping Zhang, Ruiming Yu, Lianshun Wang, Zhongwang Zhang,Yanzhen Lu,Peng Zhou,Yonglu Wang, Huichen Guo, Li Pan*, Xinsheng Liu*. Serial cell culture passaging in vitro led to complete attenuation and changes in the characteristic features of a virulent porcine deltacoronavirus strain. Journal of Virology 2024 Aug 20; 98(8):e0064524. 4.Ruiming Yu, Liping Zhang, Peng Zhou, Zhongwang Zhang, Xiaoqing Liu,Yonglu Wang, Huichen Guo, Li Pan*, Xinsheng Liu*. Evaluation of the immunoprotective effects of porcine deltacoronavirus subunit vaccines. Virology 590 (2024), 109955. 5.Xian Li, Zhong-wang Zhang, Fu-dong Zhang, Jia-hao Li, Jian-liang Lv, Li-Ping Zhang, Kai-ge Zhai, Yong-Lu Wang, Hui-chen Guo, Xin-sheng Liu*, Li Pan*. Double synergic chitosan-coated poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid nanospheres loaded with nucleic acids as an intranasally administered vaccine delivery system to control the infection of foot-and-mouth disease virus. Antiviral Research 226 (2024) 105900. 6.Kaige Zhai, Zhongwang Zhang, Xinsheng Liu, Jianliang Lv, Liping Zhang, Jiahao Li, Zhongyuan Ma, Yonglu Wang, Huichen Guo, Yongguang Zhang, Li Pan*. Mucosal immune responses induced by oral administration of recombinantLactococcus lactis expressing the S1 protein of PDCoV. Virology 578 (2023) 180–189. 7.Liping Zhang,Ruiming Yu,Zhongwang Zhang,Peng Zhou,Jianliang Lv,Yonglu Wang,Li Pan*,Xinsheng Liu*. Diferences in the pathogenicity of Chinese virulent genotype GIIa and GIIb porcine epidemic diarrhea virus strains and the humoral immune status of one‑ and two‑month‑old weaned pigs infected with these strains. Archives of Virology (2023) 168:97 8.Zhongwang Zhang, Fei Yao, Jianliang Lv, Yaozhong Ding, Xinsheng Liu, Liping Zhang, Zhongyuan Ma, Peng Zhou, Yonglu Wang, Huichen Guo, Li Pan*. Identiffcation of B-cell epitopes on structural proteins VP1 and VP2 of Senecavirus A and development of a multi-epitope recombinant protein vaccine. Virology 582 (2023) 48–56. 9.Zhongyuan Ma, Jianliang Lv, Zhongwang Zhang Li Pan*. Development of an indirect ELISA using a novel linear epitope at the C-terminal region of the VP2 protein to specifcally detect antibodies against Senecavirus A. Virology Journal (2022) 19:204. 10.Jieyi Li, Zhongwang Zhang*, Jianliang Lv, Zhongyuan Ma, Li Pan*, Yongguang Zhang. Global Phosphoproteomics Analysis of IBRS-2 Cells Infected With Senecavirus A. Front. Microbiol. 13:832275. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.832275. 11.Fudong Zhang, Zhongwang Zhang, Xian Li, Jiahao Li, Jianliang Lv, Zhongyuan Ma, Li Pan*. Immune Responses to Orally Administered Recombinant Lactococcus lactis Expressing Multi-Epitope Proteins Targeting M Cells of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus. Viruses 2021, 13, 2036. https://doi.org/10.3390/v13102036 12.Zhongyuan Ma,Jianliang Lv, Zhongwang Zhang, Ye Zhao, Li Pan*, Yongguang Zhang*. A chemiluminescence immunoassay for rapid detection of classical swine fever virus E2 antibodies in pig serum samples. Transbound Emerg Dis.2020;00:1-7 13.Huabin Zheng, Li Pan*, Jianliang Lv, Zhongwang Zhang, Yuanyuan Wang, Wenfa Hu, Xinsheng Liu, Peng Zhou, Yonglu Wang, Yongguang Zhang*. Comparison of immune responses in guinea pigs by intranasal delivery with different nanoparticles-loaded FMDV DNA vaccine. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2020, 142:104061 14.Xinsheng Liu, Linlin Qi, Jiangliang Lv,Zhongwang Zhang, Peng Zhou, Zhongyuan Ma, Yonglu Wang, Yongguang Zhang*, Li Pan*. The immune responses to a recombinant Lactococcus lactis oral vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease virus in mice. Biotechnol Lett. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10529-020-02900-6. 2020,May 9. 15.Miao Wang, Li Pan*, Peng Zhou,Jianliang Lv, Yongguang Zhang*. Protection against foot and mouth disease virus in guinea pigs via oral administration of recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum expressing VP1. PlosOne.2015,10(12):e0143750. 七、专利和新兽药 1.“一种口蹄疫A型病毒sIgA抗体ELISA检测试剂盒及其应用”,专利号“ZL201811069024.7”,20200616,第一完成人 2.“一种口蹄疫O型病毒sIgA抗体ELISA检测试剂盒及其应用”;专利号“ZL201811068030.0”,20211123,第一完成人 3.“一种共表达口蹄疫病毒VP1基因与免疫佐剂牛IL-6基因的重组乳酸杆菌及其制备方法和应用”,专利号“ZL201510258195.4”,20180810,第一完成人 4.“一种高效表达口蹄疫病毒抗原基因的重组乳酸杆菌及其制备方法和应用”,专利号“ZL201510256221.X”,20180608,第一完成人 5.“一种A型塞内卡病毒基因工程复合表位蛋白、疫苗及其应用”,专利号“ZL202110801177.1”,20230331第二完成人 6.“一种Asia1型口蹄疫病毒抗原及其制备和应用”,专利号“ZL201310328043.8”,20150624,第二完成人 7.口蹄疫O型、A型、亚洲I型三价灭活疫苗(O/HB/HK/99株+AF/72株+Asia-Ⅰ/XJ/KLMY/04株).二类新兽药证书.(2010)新兽药证字04号,第六完成人 8.口蹄疫A型灭活疫苗(AF/72株). 三类新兽药证书. (2008)新兽药证字19号,第六完成人 9.牛口蹄疫O型、A型双价灭活疫苗.二类新兽药证书. (2005)新兽药证字24号,第十二完成人 八、获得奖励 1.口蹄疫A型灭活疫苗.甘肃省专利二等奖.2016年,第六完成人 2.口蹄疫病毒毒株库创建及疫苗研究与应用,中华农业科技奖科学研究成果一等奖,2013年,第四完成人 3.口蹄疫病毒毒株库之构建及其应用,甘肃省科技进步二等奖,2004 年,第四完成人